"To Kline, there could be only one answer. 'Based on my
understanding of the connections and equipment at issue,'
he said, 'it appears the NSA is capable of conducting
what amounts to vacuum-cleaner surveillance of all the data
crossing the Internet--whether that be people's e-mail,
web surfing, or any other data...." (James Bamford,
Shadow Factory, 2008, page 190-191 [Also see
"Senate OKs FBI Net Spying"
Wired, Sep 14, 2001
WASHINGTON -- FBI agents soon may be able to spy on Internet
users legally without a court order. On Thursday evening,
two days after the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history,
the Senate approved the "Combating Terrorism Act of 2001,"
which enhances police wiretap powers and permits monitoring
in more situations.
"FBI Seeking to Wiretap Internet"
Fox, Oct 2001
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is seeking to broaden
considerably its ability to tap into Internet traffic in its
quest to root out terrorists, going beyond even the new
measures afforded in anti-terror legislation signed by
President Bush Friday, according to lawyers familiar with
the FBI’s plans. Stewart Baker, an attorney at the
Washington D.C.-based Steptoe & Johnson and a former general
consul to National Security Agency, said the FBI has plans
to change the architecture of the Internet and route traffic
through central servers that it would be able to monitor
e-mail more easily.
"FBI to Tap Internet"
Wall Street Journal, Nov 11, 2001
The demands to add software and equipment have roiled the
industry, which estimates it will cost more than $1 billion
to comply with the FBI requirements, said Albert Gidari, a
telecommunications lawyer at Perkins Coie LLP in Seattle,
who has represented wireless companies on surveillance
issues. The demands, he said, are "mind-boggling." Several
industry officials said the FBI essentially wants direct
access to voice communications, as the bureau now has with
e-mail through the snooping technology known as Carnivore.
An FBI spokesman declined to comment on the matter.
Big Brother on the Internet
ZDNet, 2002
Last summer, a Pentagon analyst for "Special Operations and
Low-Intensity Warfare" named Charles Swett wrote a 30-page
report for his bosses in the Department of Defense (DoD). It
laid out how to use the Internet for military intelligence
and counterintelligence. The Federation of American
Scientists exposed this report--posting a copy on their
Internet Web page for everyone to read.
Gov't Plans Security Nerve Center
Eweek, Mar 11, 2002
............a plan for a new government center that would
provide early warning and analysis of security events such
as the Code Red worm or widespread network-intrusion
attempts. Tentatively dubbed the Cyber Warning and
Information Network, the center would serve as a nerve
center for government information security officials during
large-scale security events. The center is meant to mirror
Bill Gives Gov't Greater Access to E-Mail
Eweek, Feb 2002
Do you want the Department of Motor Vehicles to be able
to read the private e-mail that runs over your network? If a
bill approved by the crime panel of the House Judiciary
Committee becomes law, any government entity--not just law
enforcement agencies--will be able to receive e-mail and
other electronic communications without a court order, so
long as a service provider believes an emergency requires
its disclosure without delay.
U.S. Hopes to Check Computers Globally
Washington Post 11/12/02
A new Pentagon research office has started designing a
global computer-surveillance system to give U.S.
counterterrorism officials access to personal information in
government and commercial databases around the world.
DARPA's New Occult Logo with All-Seeing Eye
11/14/2002, The Cutting Edge
Fourthly, the emphasis of this symbol is on the entire
world, instead of the United States! In other words, even
though John Poindexter's office of "Information Awareness
Office" -- I.A.O. -- is supposedly an American office
charged with gathering detailed information on Americans,
the focus of this symbol is on the world, and upon Lucifer's
watchfulness over the entire world!
The Eye Is Watching
USA Daily, 11/21/02, Joe Sansone
In a bizarre and frightening case of life imitating art, the
United States defense department has created an office that
seeks those same limitless powers as Tolkien’s dark lord.
The Information Awareness Office (IAO) seeks what it calls
“Total Information Awareness”. The agency has even adopted
the new world order symbol of the pyramid with the all
knowing eye hovering above it that is seen on the back of a
one dollar Federal Reserve note. Taking the symbolism a step
further, the eye casts its rays down upon the planet earth.
US Homeland Security to Police the Net
CNet, 11/21/2002
A new bill has been passed in the US which gives the
government watchdog powers over the Net. A massive new
bureaucracy will play a major role in securing software,
hardware and the Net.
Big Brother Will Be Watching America
11/23/2002, The Guardian
Giant information matrix to track movements of potential
terrorists Suzanne Goldenberg, Washington Saturday November
23, 2002 The Guardian: "It takes what had been in the realm
of paranoid conspiracy theorists and puts it in the realm of
a potential reality -right here and now," said Jody Patilla,
a consultant for the digital security company @Stake, and a
former data analyst at the national security agency.
Information Awareness Office Website Deletes Occult Logo
12/18/2002, The Memory Hole
Now, the IAO has removed its eye-death-ray logo, which was
denounced far and wide as being Orwellian, Masonic, and just
plain creepy as hell.
Beefed-up plan to spy on Internet
New York Times, 12/20/2002
The Bush administration is planning to propose requiring
Internet service providers to help build a centralized
system to enable broad monitoring of the Internet and,
potentially, surveillance of its users. The proposal is part
of a final version of a report, "The National Strategy to
Secure Cyberspace," set for release early next year,
according to several people who have been briefed on the
report. It is a component of the effort to increase national
security after the Sept. 11 attacks.
Many Tools of Big Brother Are Up and Running
12/23/2002, New York Times
Total Information Awareness could link for the first time
such different electronic sources as video feeds from
airport surveillance cameras, credit card transactions,
airline reservations and telephone calling records. The data
would be filtered through software that would constantly
look for suspicious patterns of behavior.
Feds Building Internet Monitoring Site
January 23, 2003
The center, which has been in development for the past 15
months, is a key piece of the White House's national
cybersecurity strategy and represents a major leap in the
federal government's effort to achieve real-time tracking of
the Internet's health.
FBI to snoop on network backbones?
WorldNetDaily, Feb 18, 2003
Civil-liberties groups are urging Congress to cut off future
funding for a Federal Bureau of Investigation program that
allegedly would expand its wiretapping authority to include
communications sent over Net backbones or wireless devices.
FBI Pulls Open Net For Wiretapping
Apr 4, 2003, AP
NEW YORK - Wiretapping takes on a whole new meaning now that
phone calls are being made over the Internet, posing legal
and technical hurdles for the FBI as it seeks to prevent the
emerging services from becoming a safe haven for criminals
and terrorists. The FBI wants regulators to affirm that such
services fall under a 1994 law requiring phone companies to
build in surveillance capabilities. It also is pushing the
industry to create technical standards to make wiretapping
easier and cheaper.
U.N. group seeks control of Internet
November 18, 2003, The Washington Times, John Zarocostas
Cable taps into wiretap law
03/2004, CNET
March 16, 2004 By Ben Charny Staff, CNET News.com :
Vernon Irvin, executive vice president at security vendor
VeriSign, said during a recent interview that his company
had signed a deal with a "major cable operator" in the
United States to help it follow CALEA. He did not identify
the provider, but the source tagged Time Warner as the
company. A Time Warner representative did not have an
immediate comment. Irvin, however, did assert that other
cable companies are sure to follow. That's because the FBI
has made public a far-reaching proposal to require all
broadband Internet providers--including cable modem and
digital subscriber line (DSL) companies--to restructure
their networks to support easy wiretapping by police.
Big Brother Wants to Monitor Your Internet Activity
Capitol Hill Blue, By TED BRIDIS, Mar 14, 2004
Technology companies should be required to ensure that law
enforcement agencies can install wiretaps on Internet
traffic and new generations of digital communications, the
Justice Department says.
FBI pushes for broadband wiretap powers ISPs, Net phone
services would all have to rewire
MSNBC, By Ben Charny, Updated: March 12, 2004
The FBI's request to the Federal Communications Commission
aims to give police ready access to any form of
Internet-based communications. If approved as drafted, the
proposal could dramatically expand the scope of the agency's
wiretap powers, raise costs for cable broadband companies
and complicate Internet product development. Legal experts
said the 85-page filing includes language that could be
interpreted as forcing companies to build backdoors into
everything from instant messaging and voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP) programs to Microsoft's Xbox Live gaming
service. The introduction of new services that did not
support a back door for police would be outlawed, and
companies would be given 15 months to make sure existing
services comply.
FBI Plans To Track Suspects with Data-Mining Techniques
Technology News: Networks: FBI Plans To Track Suspects with
Data-Mining Techniques, By Gene J. Koprowski, TechNewsWorld
03/17/04 11:22 AM PT:
Internet data, whether it is transmitted via a digital
subscriber line (DSL), cable modem or dial-up modem, mixes
and mingles with packets of data from thousands of other
users. "As a result, any surveillance of Internet activity
necessarily will encompass eavesdropping on pipelines of
traffic of hundreds of nontargeted users to have any chance
of successfully observing one 'individual of interest,'"
said Getner.
Belgian police to snoop internet lines
Expatica News, 16 April 2004
BRUSSELS - The League of Human Rights has slammed a
"scandalous" move by the Belgian government to begin
snooping on private email communications on the country's
high-speed internet lines...................................
Belgian press reports Friday claimed that unlike phone taps,
which are applied to a specific line, the snooping on
high-speed internet lines would involve the filtering of all
email traffic in order to intercept the targeted user.
Wiretapping the Web
MSNBC/August 13, 2004 By Brian Braiker Newsweek
"As if hacking worries weren't enough, two recent legal
developments have raised further fears among Web privacy
advocates in the United States. In one case, the Federal
Communications Commission voted 5-0 last week to prohibit
businesses from offering broadband or Internet phone service
unless they provide Uncle Sam with backdoors for wiretapping
access. And in a separate decision last month, a federal
appeals court decided that e-mail and other electronic
communications are not protected under a strict reading of
wiretap laws."
Cyber Fears on Fed's Web Plan
New York Post, August 15, 2004, by Hilary Kramer
"August 15, 2004 -- With little fanfare, the Federal Reserve
will begin transferring the nation's money supply over an
Internet-based system this month — a move critics say could
open the U.S.'s banking system to cyber threats."
Cyberspace Gives Al Qaeda Refuge
Los Angeles Times/August 15, 2004, Douglas Frantz,
Pushing Fear for Total Control of the Internet and the End
of Freedom of Press and Speech
We're all going to have to rethink how we deal with the int-
ernet. As exciting as these new developments are, there are
a number of serious issues without any kind of editing func-
tion or gatekeeping function...." -- Hillary Rodham Clinton,
as quoted by James Hirshen in "Government Getekeepers Come
After the Internet"
"Does the Brotherhood exist?" "That Winston, you will never
know. If we choose to set you free when we have finished
with you, and if you live to be ninety years old, still you
will never learn whether the answer to that question is yes
or no. As long as you live, it will be a riddle in your
mind." -- 1984 by George Orwell