Face-It Add Screen shot of Face-It Software [Picture of FaceIt software as deployed in Tampa, FL, 2001; Visionics has since merged with Identix.]

"Facial Recognition System Considered for U.S. Airports",
Washington Post, Sep 24, 2001 "Government and aviation officials are poised to begin using facial recognition systems to scan airport terminals for suspected terrorists, possibly including Reagan National Airport when it reopens, according to people involved in deliberations about how to improve security."

"Can Face Recognition Keep Airports Safe?", CNet, November 2001 Several airports are adopting such face-recognition software in an effort to beef up security after the suicide bombings on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. In addition to the Logan airport in Boston, Oakland International Airport in Oakland, Calif.; T.F. Green Airport in Providence, R.I.; and Fresno Yosemite International Airport in California are among those adopting identification technology to check passengers........................Joseph Atick, president of Visionics Corp. of Jersey City, N.J., described to the committee how his FaceIt system could be linked to cameras at security checkpoints and transmit information about suspected terrorists to government officials via the Internet, creating what he called a "nationwide shield."

"Facing Big Brother In Beijing", The New American, Sep 24, 2001 If the proposed sale is finalized, Communist China will soon possess the same face recognition technology currently stirring up controversy in Tampa, Florida, and Virginia Beach, Virginia. Visionics Corporation plans to sell the system, known as "FaceIt," to commercial partners in China, the August 10th Washington Times reported. Joseph Atick, chairman and CEO of Visionics, said that one possible use of the system is in access control, such as replacing the use of passwords in banking.

Face Recognition via Cell Phones, 03/27/2002, Chicago-based telecoms equipment maker Motorola, Inc. has announced plans to put face recognition technology into Java-enabled mobile phones...In partnership with Visionics Corp. (Quote, Company Info, News) & Wirehound LLC, Motorola said the application was being developed specifically forlaw enforcement agencies.

"We are hurtling toward constant electronic scrutiny -- of the enemy and ourselves" -- National Geographic

"When posters started appearing last year on London double- deckers reading "Secure Beneath the Watchful Eyes", the Orwe- llian overtones were so strong that more than a few Londoners mistook the signs for satire. But the posters were real. The United Kingdom has become perhaps the world's most surveilled nation, with more than four million closed-circuit television cameras, including fancy rotating models with wipers to clear the rain." -- National Geographic, November, 2003, pages 8-9 "Watching You: The World of High-Tech Surveillance"

New Super-Fast Transistor for Wireless Broadband, Jay Wrolstad, 04/30/2002, The new transistors can handle high-power and high-frequency signals simultaneously -- a significant breakthrough, the researchers say. For wireless broadband, which requires data transmission speeds in the megabits-per-second range, such a combination is critical, according to the IEEE.

Imageware and Identix Bring Facial Recognition to the Web, July 2002 On the vision of ImageWare and its launch into the browser-based facial recognition arena, CEO Jim Miller said, "ImageWare is taking facial recognition out of the office and delivering it to the law enforcement, government and transportation sectors via the Internet and wireless Web."

Web-Based Face Recognition System, Xinfeng Yang, Yanchao Xing, Ann Nguyen, July 10, 2002 Another web-based system combining intelligent software agents with face recognition engines has now been developed by the ANSER team [2]. The Missing Children Locator Agent is an example of one of ANSER's systems. The software agents continuously search and retrieve facial images and relevant information from web sites on the Internet. A back-end face recognition engine analyses each image file to detect and match each face to a set of stored face images of missing children. The user can also search for an input image from the database for a match.

DARPA working on software to ID people by the way they walk, CBS, 12/06/2002 Several universities have been working with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to develop gait recognition as another viable biometric tool.

CO Dept. of Rev. Adopts Next Generation Face Recogition., Dec. 4 2002, Identix press release Digimarc ID Systems, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Digimarc Corporation (Nasdaq:DMRC), today announced that the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR), Motor Vehicle Business Group has enhanced its Digimarc ID Systems' driver's license issuance program with new state-of-the-art automated facial recognition technology.

Face Scans OK by Most Americans, CBS, Jan 2003 (CBS MarketWatch)  The use of fingerprint, retina and facial scans for routine commercial transactions is fast approaching and Americans seem more than prepared to give up their biometric impressions, a new survey suggests.

Face-Recognition Technology Improves New York Times, March 14, 2003, by BARNABY J. FEDER ABSTRACT - Facial recognition technology has improved substantially since 2000, according to results released from test by four federal agencies involving systems from 10 companies; data, from latest in series of tests conducted every two years and overseen by National Institute of Standards and Technology, is expected to encourage government security officers to deploy facial recognition systems...

Pentagon's Plan for Tracking Everything That Moves, Village Voice, July 2003 As currently configured, the old-line cameras speckled throughout every major city aren't that much of a privacy concern. Yes, there are lenses everywhere—several thousand just in Manhattan. But they see so much, it's almost impossible for snoops to sift through all the footage and find what's important. CTS would coordinate the cameras, gathering their views in a single information storehouse. The goal, according to a recent Pentagon presentation to defense contractors, is to "track everything that moves."

Iris, fingerprints and face to be used in UK ID card trial December 08, 2003,, by Andy McCue Iris, fingerprint and facial recognition will all be tested as part of the UK Passport Service's six-month trial of biometric technology ahead of the introduction of potentially compulsory national ID cards.

Visionics logo Identix logo [Above, the Visionic's logo (now called Identix) resembles a familiar symbol in Freemasonry, as can be seen from the scan above, which shows the similarity between Harry S. Truman's 33rd Degree Masonic Craft apron and the Visionic's logo. The oval eye in the inverted triangle appears in both. Now a new logo has replaced the old Visionics' one. The new Identix logo features a highlighted 'x'; as Texe Marrs notes, Osiris was often designated by an 'x', and if so, then, the Identix logo contains in symbolic form the all seeing eye of Osiris, as did the old one, albiet in less-obvious, symbolic short- hand form. Note how the 'x' is highlighted and how the i-dot appears over the x.]

EU plans to include facial and fingerprint biometric data on travel documents for non-EU foreign naitonals by 2005, Lisa Kelly, 09-10-2003,

Virginia Beach is last U.S. city scanning faces LOS ANGELES TIMES, Monday October 13, 2003 "VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (LAT) - Twelve feet above the sidewalk, three cameras scan the faces of unsuspecting crowds on Atlantic Avenue. In a police control room a few blocks away, Lt. Dennis Santos sits before a bank of screens, holding a joystick that enables him to pivot the cameras and zoom in or out. With the help of computers, he is looking for terrorists and criminals."

Prepare to Get Scanned, Economist, 12/28/2003 Dec 4th 2003 From The Economist print edition "As a result, biometrics are suddenly about to become far more widespread. America will begin using biometrics at its airports and seaports on January 5th. Under the new US-VISIT programme, all foreigners entering on visas will have their hands and faces digitally scanned. This will create what Tom Ridge, America's homeland-security supremo, calls “an electronic check-in and check-out system for foreign nationals”. American citizens will also be affected, as new passports with a chip that contains biometric data are issued from next year. And the new rules specify that by October 26th 2004, all countries whose nationals can enter America without a visa—including western European countries, Japan and Australia must begin issuing passports that contain biometric data too. Moves to create a European standard for biometric passports are already under way, and many other countries are following suit: Oman and the United Arab Emirates, among others, will begin issuing national identity cards containing biometrics next year. Britain's planned new national identity card will also include biometrics."

Technology Strains to Find Menace in the Crowd, New York Times, May 31, 2004, Greg Mathews Nonetheless, major integrators of security technology for governments, like the Unisys Corporation, Honeywell International and I.B.M., all support face-recognition technology for some uses. Viisage, based in Billerica, Mass., has seen its stock price double this year, and shares of its major domestic rival, Identix, based in Minnetonka, Minn., have also risen sharply.

Among the methods used to to identify people with face scan technology is the "triangle algorithm, which is considered to be a reduced (one-dimensional) version of the 'pyramid" technique, according to A. Schubert and E.D. Dickmanns, the authors of "Realtime Gaze Observation for Tracking Human Control of Attention"

LONDON, England (IDG) -- Imagis Technologies Inc. and Serco Group PLC are working with the UK's National Crime Squad (NCS) to develop a facial-recognition application for use in crime fighting.

The squad is working on a national database based on Imagis ID-2000 facial-recognition technology to use as a tool for keeping track of convicted pedophiles and other criminals, Imagis announced at the Biometrics 2001 Conference here on Thursday.

"We are working with both Imagis and Serco on the technology," an NCS spokesman confirmed. UK-based Serco is a management and consulting company that has been providing IT support to the U.K. government and the NCS, a government agency, for a number of years. The Canadian Imagis Technologies is a developer of image-identification software with a focus on biometric facial recognition, according to the company's Web site.

Imagis logo

Of course their logo is the Illuminated cosmic Light with the three slashes of the Luciferic Trinity symbol Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

The Imagis' ID-2000 was picked for further development by the UK government for its ability to identify an individual within very large databases of images in seconds, its ability to search for common background scenes as well as faces, its use imagery from any source, including live video as well as digital and analog photos and the security built into the program that allows for the secure transmission of data even from remote databases, Imagis said in a statement that was vetted and approved by the NCS.

The software will aid law-enforcement agencies in identifying victims and perpetrators as well as background imagery for criminal investigation and case preparation, Imagis said. Already being used by the NCS , the facial-recognition technology is playing a part in the ongoing investigation into an online pedophile group which on Wednesday led to the arrest of 130 people worldwide, 10 in the UK, Imagis said. The software is also being looked into as a tool for the fight against international terrorism, an NCS spokesman said. In October, a U.S. Senate subcommittee began looking into the possible future use of cutting-edge devices such as facial-recognition monitors and retinal scanners as a way to combat terrorism following the attacks in New York and Washington D.C. on September 11. The Imagis ID-2000 facial-recognition technology is also currently being used by the

Oakland Police Department (OPD), in Oakland, California throughout Alameda County, including the Oakland International Airport, the OPD and Imagis announced in October. ------------------------------------------------------------

Keyware - Internet Solutions Group Europe, Excelsiorlaan 32-34, B-1930 Zaventem, Belgium Until recently, computer security systems relied on what the user knew (password or PIN) to identify him/herself or what they had (a token or smart card). Lately, biometrics has added another dimension to the authentication puzzle by offering the choice of who the user is (fingerprints, voice, face, etc.). According to industry analyst firm, Frost & Sullivan, the market for authentication technologies, including biometrics, will reach $2.6 billion by 2006. In a response to this ever-growing variety of authentication methods, Keyware has created the Centralized Authentication Server (CAS), which allows organizations to manage all their authentication methods (PKI, biometrics, smart cards, PINs, passwords, etc.) from one server. CAS also allows organizations to manage security in a variety of areas from the network to the call center to building entry. With CAS, any authentication method can be deployed at any point of security. Keyware specializes in biometricsùthe technology of measuring an individual’s unique personal characteristics such as voice, face, and fingerprints. With its advancements of this core technology, Keyware now delivers biometric authentication with the highest levels of security, efficiency, and convenience for today’s environments. KeyWare Logo ------------------------------------------------------------

Have you got caught up in the Casino schemes? Enhance the integrity of your existing surveillance equipment with our state-of-the-art biometric facial recognition technology. Casino-ID will capture, store and match surveillance photography quickly and easily. Catalog intelligence data to identify suspects and potential risks protecting your staff, clients and property. Casino-ID is an advanced software application for tracking incident-based information and photography including suspect's MO, behaviors, characteristics and activities such as card counting, slugs, capping and more. Screen shot of Casino ID software ------------------------------------------------------------

When the Iluuminated Angels system is in place, have you found an area to hide? Uh Oh, not so fast! GOG thinks of everything. Screen shot of TressPassID Don't get caught Trespassing. Trespass-ID is a biometric software application designed specifically for security professionals who need a better way to identify and track undesirables, their associates and specific behaviors, before they commit crimes and do damage. Digital images are taken from the security room and compared to a local and centralized repository of known offender images for positive identification and apprehension. ------------------------------------------------------------

Radian's logo Radian has great uses for its Biometrics surveilances for the future. One of its best products will be, Oh no don't tell me Isis logo Yes Isis - Semiramis-Like in Queen of Heaven Isis, the wife of Osiris Ra ------------------------------------------------------------

RFID tags: Big Brother in small packages By Declan McCullagh January 13, 2003, 6:26 AM PT Could we be constantly tracked through our clothes, shoes or even our cash in the future? I'm not talking about having a microchip surgically implanted beneath your skin, which is what Applied Digital Systems of Palm Beach, Fla., would like to do. Nor am I talking about John Poindexter's creepy Total Information Awareness spy-veillance system, which I wrote about last week. Instead, in the future, we could be tracked because we'll be wearing, eating and carrying objects that are carefully designed to do so. Alien Technology's logo The generic name for this technology is RFID, which stands for radio frequency identification. RFID tags are miniscule microchips, which already have shrunk to half the size of a grain of sand. They listen for a radio query and respond by transmitting their unique ID code. Most RFID tags have no batteries: They use the power from the initial radio signal to transmit their response. You should become familiar with RFID technology because you'll be hearing much more about it soon. Retailers adore the concept, and CNET's own Alorie Gilbert wrote last week about how Wal-Mart and the U.K.-based grocery chain Tesco are starting to install "smart shelves" with networked RFID readers. In what will become the largest test of the technology, consumer goods giant Gillette recently said it would purchase 500 million RFID tags from Alien Technology of Morgan Hill, Calif. Alien Technology won't reveal how it charges for each tag, but industry estimates hover around 25 cents. The company does predict that in quantities of 1 billion, RFID tags will approach 10 cents each, and in lots of 10 billion, the industry's holy grail of 5 cents a tag. It becomes unnervingly easy to imagine a scenario where everything you buy that's more expensive than a Snickers will sport RFID tags, which typically include a 64-bit unique identifier yielding about 18 thousand trillion possible values. KSW-Microtec , a German company, has invented washable RFID tags designed to be sewn into clothing. And according to EE Times, the European central bank is considering embedding RFID tags into banknotes by 2005. It becomes unnervingly easy to imagine a scenario where everything you buy that's more expensive than a Snickers will sport RFID tags. That raises the disquieting possibility of being tracked though our personal possessions. Imagine: The Gap links your sweater's RFID tag with the credit card you used to buy it and recognizes you by name when you return. Grocery stores flash ads on wall-sized screens based on your spending patterns, just like in "Minority Report." Police gain a trendy method of constant, cradle-to-grave surveillance. You can imagine nightmare legal scenarios that don't involve the cops. Future divorce cases could involve one party seeking a subpoena for RFID logs--to prove that a spouse was in a certain location at a certain time. Future burglars could canvass alleys with RFID detectors, looking for RFID tags on discarded packaging that indicates expensive electronic gear is nearby. In all of these scenarios, the ability to remain anonymous is eroded. "Does the Brotherhood exist?" "That Winston, you will never know. If we choose to set you free when we have finished with you, and if you live to be ninety years old, still you will never learn whether the answer to that question is yes or no. As long as you live, it will be a riddle in your mind." -- 1984 by George Orwell

"Does the Brotherhood exist?" "That Winston, you will never know. If we choose to set you free when we have finished with you, and if you live to be ninety years old, still you will never learn whether the answer to that question is yes or no. As long as you live, it will be a riddle in your mind."
-- 1984 by George Orwell

[Visit for more information.]

Is Israel "the eavesdropping capital of the world"?
China's All-Seeing Eye, Rolling Stone magazine, May 20, 2008
Interpol Details Plans For Global Biometric Facial Scan Database Every traveler to be scanned and checked against terrorist faces, Oct 20, 2008,
"Thus, virtually the entire American telecommunications system is bugged by two Israeli-formed companies with possible links to Israel's eavesdropping agency--with no oversight by Congress." -- James Bamford, The Shadow Factory, 2008, DOUBLEDAY, page 246
"Big Brother will be watching you, thanks to biometric face recognition software. The REAL ID Act provides for federally mandated use of biometric data embedded in state driver's licenses." TNA, June 27, 2005
"With the development of television, and the technical advance which made it possible to recieve and transmit simultaneously on the same instrument, private life came to an end. Every citizen, or at least every citizen worth watching, could be kept for twenty-four hours a day under the eyes of the police and the sound of official propaganda." George Orwell, 1984, 1948
"...that no man might buy or sell, save that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Revelation 13:17)"