* The Evil Eye, The New American, January, 2003, William F.
Jaspers, Jan 27 2003 Vol. 19, No. 02. The following text is
an extracted from "Watching Your Every Move," Jan 2003, TNA.
January 27, 2003 Vol. 19, No. 02 January 27, 2003
The Evil Eye
by William F. Jasper
The occult symbol chosen for the Orwellian Information
Awareness Office has links to ancient paganism and modern
revolutionary Communism.
The all-seeing eye chosen for the logo of the federal
Information Awareness Office (IAO) is an ancient symbol
steeped in mystery and foreboding. Some commentators assert
that the insignia, which first appeared on U.S. dollar bills
in 1935, symbolizes the "eye of God" watching over all
things. They cite passages such as Proverbs 15:3 to show the
biblical basis for the sign: "The eyes of the Lord are in
every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good."
God, indeed, sees and knows all things. The
eye-in-the-triangle symbol, however, has more often
throughout history been associated with the occult, mystery
religions, secret societies, and revolution. It is
especially associated with the Egyptian deity Osiris, whose
cult of followers has re-blossomed in the New Age movement
and the current occult explosion. The symbol is most
infamously associated with the Order of the Illuminati, the
revolutionary conspiracy started by Professor Adam Weishaupt
of Ingolstadt University in Bavaria on May 1, 1776. It was
Weishaupt’s hope, belief, and all-consuming ambition that
one day his secret society, the Illuminati ("The Illuminated
Ones"), would rule the world.
Foreshadowing Karl Marx in the next century, Weishaupt told
his adepts: "We must begin by destroying all Religion, all
civil society, and finish by the destruction of all
[private] property." But he intended that the Illuminati
would operate as the unseen hands directing the
revolutionary action from behind the scenes. "When the
object is an universal Revolution," Weishaupt said, "all the
members of these societies aiming at the same point, and
aiding each other, must find means of governing invisibly."
(Emphasis in original.) This exercise of "invisible power" —
and the necessity of "concealment," conspiracy, penetration,
and infiltration — are constant themes in his writings. By
placing Illuminists in governments, institutions, and
positions of influence, Weishaupt said, "we may, in secret,
influence all political transactions." "By this plan," he
boasted, "we shall direct all mankind. In this manner, and
by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in
Before long, the Illuminati made good on Weishaupt’s plan to
"set all in motion and in flames," playing the key role in
directing and coordinating the carnage and terror of the
French Revolution. By that time, the organization had spread
its malevolent network throughout Europe and had even
planted cells within the fledgling United States of America.
George Washington was aware of the Illuminati’s subversive
schemes, having read with approval Proofs of a Conspiracy,
(1798), a scholarly exposé of the cult by Professor John
Robison of Edinburgh University. The great British statesman
Edmund Burke, likewise, was greatly impressed and influenced
by the four-volume exposé of the Illuminati by Abbe Augustin
Barruel, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism,
also published in 1798. The secret organization Weishaupt
founded, however, continued its relentless drive for
revolution, world government and a New World Order. Always,
the group sought to remain hidden, following the dictum of
its founder, Weishaupt, who stated: "The great strength of
our Order lies in its concealment." No member of the
Illuminati was ever to speak the organization’s name
publicly. They adopted the symbol of a circle with a dot in
the center to refer to their Order in secret correspondence,
a shorthand way of symbolizing the all-seeing eye.
The Dollar Bill
The Illuminati symbol found its way onto our currency by way
of a very odd and subversive man, Henry Agard Wallace, who
served in two of our nation’s top political offices. An
original New Ager, Mr. Wallace was a pro-Communist,
screwball mystic. President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed
him secretary of agriculture. After proving he could destroy
America’s farms through heavy-handed federal
interventionism, Wallace joined FDR in the White House,
serving as vice president from 1941-45. Wallace was an
ardent disciple of Nicholas Roerich, described by Harvard
historian Arthur Schlesinger as a "Russian emigre, painter,
theosophist and con man." Roerich posed as a great guru and
diplomat, and Wallace used Agriculture Department funds to
pay for Roerich’s travels to Tibet and throughout Asia,
supposedly as an agricultural consultant. Apparently, due to
Roerich’s strong influence, Wallace became obsessed with the
idea of placing the pyramid with the all-seeing eye on U.S.
Henry Wallace’s fascination with the occult is mentioned in
Arthur Schlesinger’s 1958 book, The Coming of the New Deal.
Schlesinger writes:
Though he remained non-committal about the extent of his own
belief [in the power of the occult], Wallace did induce the
Secretary of the Treasury to put the Great Pyramid on the
new dollar bill in 1935. He sold this to Secretary [of the
Treasury Henry] Morgenthau on the prosaic ground that Novus
ordo [new order] was Latin for New Deal, and for many years
afterward Morgenthau was beset by people who assumed that
the appearance of the Great Pyramid on the currency
signified his own attachment to some esoteric fellowship.
The Wallace-Roerich connection to the Great Pyramid seal did
not come out until a dozen years later, when Wallace was
running for president in 1948 on the Progressive Party
ticket. Conservative columnist Westbrook Pegler broke the
story after having obtained copies of imbecilic "Dear Guru"
letters written by Wallace to Roerich. The letters,
outpourings of occultic gibberish, became a cause célèbre
after Pegler dubbed them "the Guru Letters," and hammered
away at Wallace’s unfitness for office in one column after
Subversion and the Occult
But Mr. Wallace was doubly unfit for office. Besides his
dabbling in the occult, he was also, as previously
mentioned, notoriously pro-Communist. The Agriculture
Department under his domain was loaded with Soviet agents.
The Progressive Party was recognized by knowledgeable people
on both the Right and the Left as completely a Communist
operation. No less an authority than radical Marxist I.F.
Stone noted: "The Communists have been the dominant
influence in the Progressive Party.... If it had not been
for the Communists, there would have been no Progressive
Wallace was so pro-Soviet that he advocated that the United
States give its atomic bomb secrets to Stalin. Some of the
Communist agents in the Roosevelt administration and the
Manhattan Project did precisely that. So, the occult symbol
chosen for Admiral Poindexter’s Orwellian IAO (see page 8)
has a patrimony linking it to ancient paganism and modern
revolutionary Communism. The man who popularized it on
American currency was a Stalinist occultist. It is a fitting
symbol for the Gestapo or the KGB — or an un-American agency
that aspires to emulate their deadly legacy. The choice of
this symbol is as much a tip-off to the tyrannical bent of
the new agency as what has already been made public about
its Total Information Awareness project. Due to concern
about the obvious dangers to liberty posed by the IAO's
announced agenda, the IAO has removed the symbol from its
website. That is hardly sufficient. The agency itself should
be abolished.
---------------- End of Excerpt from TNA -------------------
[End note: This article contains some reliable information,
although it is somewhat of a fraud in my opinion to speak of
the history of the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye without so
much as mentioning that the symbol is used by the Freemasons
or that people in that organization were possibly the ones
who put the symbol in DARPA's logo, nor do they mention that
Henry Wallace was a high-level Freemason, etc., or that Mr.
Charles Grassely, the man supposedly spearheading the resis-
tance to TIA, is a 33rd degree Freemason. These omissions
are glaring, leading one to wonder if the JBS isn't utterly
and unredeemably infiltrated by Freemasons or controlled by
the same from its very inception as some speculate.]
"Does the Brotherhood exist?" "That Winston, you will never
know. If we choose to set you free when we have finished
with you, and if you live to be ninety years old, still you
will never learn whether the answer to that question is yes
or no. As long as you live, it will be a riddle in your
mind." -- 1984 by George Orwell
[Visit talmudunmasked.com for more information.]
Is Israel "the eavesdropping
capital of the world"?
China's All-Seeing Eye, Rolling Stone magazine, May 20, 2008 |
Interpol Details Plans For Global Biometric Facial Scan
Database Every traveler to be scanned and checked against
terrorist faces, Oct 20, 2008, infowars.com
"Thus, virtually the entire American telecommunications system
is bugged by two Israeli-formed companies with possible links to Israel's
eavesdropping agency--with no oversight by Congress." -- James Bamford,
The Shadow Factory, 2008, DOUBLEDAY, page
"Big Brother will be watching you, thanks to biometric face recognition software. The REAL ID Act provides for federally mandated use of biometric data embedded in state driver's licenses."
TNA, June 27, 2005
"With the development of television, and the technical advance which made it possible to recieve and transmit simultaneously on the same instrument, private life came to an end. Every citizen, or at least every citizen worth watching, could be kept for twenty-four hours a day under the eyes of the police and the sound of official propaganda." George Orwell, 1984, 1948 |
"...that no man might buy or sell, save that had the mark,
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Revelation