TROLL Cams: The "All-Seeing" Eyes of GOG
(Global Occult Government)
Re: TROLL Cams: The All Seeing Eyes of GOG
At: Update of article first written in 1999, published 2002
By: John P. Jones, approved for publication August 24, 2001
As the video cams we see in homes, airports, grocery stores,
banks, convenience stores, gas stations, parking lots, and
even on highways are connected to the internet as web cams,
they will become, in effect, a vast matrix of government
eyeballs--always awake and alert, 7 days a week, 24 hours a
day, and placed almost everywhere we need to go. By
intercepting internet traffic, either surgically at ISPs (as
with Carnivore) or directly in real time from internet
backbones (e.g.,Menwith Hill), US intelligence agencies will
be able to scan for any individual's digital face print,
using a system that will:
T Tag Tell the software who to look for
R Recognize Scan for target based on a digital face print
O Observe Collect images containing targeted person
L Locate Infer location & time of target's appearance
L Log Record results for possible software analysis
or human perusal.
Like most predictions, this one should be taken with a
healthy dose of skepticism. Why, it might be asked, will it
be so? Or will it? Indeed, it will happen, I'd wager,
because not only is it technologically, politically, and
legally feasible, but the necessary components of this
incredible surveillance system have already been developed,
tested, and partially implemented.
But why assume these video cams we see most everywhere will
become web cams? Well, suppose you own a ritzy Las Vegas
resort, and you want to show off your wares? What do you do?
You might think of converting your surveillance cameras to
World Wide Web cams so potential customers could take a look
at your accommodations. Or suppose you own some department
stores. By linking all your surveillance cams to the
internet, you could centralize your surveillance facilities
at one location to reduce overhead. Or what if you own a
radio station and want your listeners to feel like the DJ is
their drinking buddy? You might put a web cam in the studio,
so your fans can see what the DJ is up to.
It's already started, but we ain't seen nothing yet.
Already, according to the March 23, 2001 issue of the Denver
Post, the Colorado Department of Transportation, in
conjunction with Adesta Communications, launched a joint 180
million dollar public-private venture to place web cams
along fiber-optic backbones extending along major highways
through Colorado down to New Mexico, and crossing Kansas
through Colorado to Utah. This public-private dubiosity was
made possible by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which
blurred the line between private corporations and government
entities, allowing corporations and federal bloatocracies to
join into amorphous mega-corporations like In-Q-Tel, a CIA,
tax-payer financed venture capital company. The project,
which began in the fall of 1999, will likely provide the
model for future endeavors to create "smart roads" across
the nation. Similar projects in Iowa and Minnesota were
delayed due to lawsuits claiming highway departments will
compete unfairly with private companies by using tax-payer
These web cams will join the host of other surveillance
cameras already posted on the nation's borders by the INS.
As detailed in "The Surveillance Society" by Grant Jeffries,
pp 133-134, whenever you drive your car up to the Mexican
or Canadian border, a sophisticated long-distance camera
automatically scans your license plate, whereupon the
computer system compares your plate number against a
national registry of motor vehicle files, the customs
search and seize list, and the national police and security
files of the the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. By the time you
drive up to the customs agent, the optical scanning system
that read your plate has already accessed the records of the
Immigration, Customs, and State Department to retrieve your
vehicle registration, driver's license, and police records.
Each time you cross the border, that fact is recorded on the
Custom and Immigration computers of the United States and
Canada. Although the INS video cameras are not yet connect-
ed the internet as far as I know, it's not unreasonable to
suppose that, as the nation's intelligent highway system
develops, they will be.
In addition to scanning for licence plate numbers, these
systems are capable of automatically zooming in and focusing
to identify a driver by facial characteristics. Much of
this information pertaining to the government's use of
digital face scanning software can be verified by visiting and, the web sites of two
companies involved in development and testing of facial rec-
ognition systems for the government.
As detailed on the Visionics Corp. web site and elsewhere,
the digital face scanning systems are surprisingly
sophisticated and not as easily fooled as might be expected.
According to Joseph Atick, Visionics president and
professor at the Computational Neuroscience Laboratory at
Rockefeller University, New York, NY, the FaceIt software,
which won the competition between face recognition systems
conducted as part of the U.S. Advanced Research Project's
FERET program conducted in 1996, uses a mathematical
construction called local feature analysis (LFA) "to
automatically derive a local topographic representation of
any class of objects, such as human faces, from an ensemble
of examples". Superior to a previous technique called
eigenfaces, which were global face representations, LFA
entails local, feature by feature, analysis that is not
easily fooled by deformations in the face or changes of pose
or lighting, according to Atick.
LFA analyzes individual features, such as mouth, nose,
cheek, jaw line, etc., as if they were lego blocks, which
means that each feature can be analyzed independently of the
whole face, thus avoiding a pixel by pixel analysis of an
entire image. The FaceIt technology combines LFA with
eigenheads, the older technique also developed by Visionics.
Eigenheads is a low dimensional representation of the
three-dimensional (3-D) human head, which is obtained from
shading information in a two dimensional (2-D) image. The
eigenhead is not dependent upon the pose or lighting, Attick
claimed in a 1996 Visionic's press release. FaceIt software
uses eigenheads to compensate for variations in lighting and
pose, then feeds the information to the LFA code, which
builds a unique "faceprint" that can then be matched to a
database of digital images in real time and can obtain
images from either live video feeds or from static images.
No wonder, then, that a host of American federal and state
government agencies, including the NSA, DARPA, INS, DoD, and
the US Army Research Laboratory, plus almost a dozen
state governments, invested large sums of tax-payer money to
test, acquire, and implement this control and tracking tech-
nology in the last half of the the 1990s. Research projects,
such as FERET, Newham, and the SENTRI trial-run have
proved the effectiveness, reliability, and unparalleled pos-
sibilities of facial recognition systems beyond any doubt,
beyond belief, and beyond George Orwell's worst visions of
dystopia unbound. [ FERET ]
Granted, then, that the technology exists to implement TROLL
cam surveillance on a national basis, and further granting
the likelihood that most or many surveillance cams will soon
be replaced with web cams, we are still left with a crucial
component of the hypothetical TROLL cam surveillance system
missing. In order to scan for and locate targeted
individuals via these web cams, the government would need to
posses a large database of digital face prints. That is,
before you can tell the software to look for somebody, the
software needs some idea of what to look for. In the same
vein, the Carnivore system had to be given information, eg.,
a person's email address, before it could tag transmissions
containing the target's electronic coorespondence.
Not surprisingly, given the past history of the intelligence
cults, the Feds went to great lengths to acquire just such a
database of digital face prints--not for known or suspected
criminals only, but for almost every citizen of the United
States. This was done under the guise of a grossly misnamed
and insidious law enacted in 1994; namely, the federal
Driver's Privacy Protection Act (DPPA), which requires
states to release private DMV records to a multitude of
federal agencies under various federal programs. It also
permits departments of motor vehicles to sell driver
information, e.g., names, social security numbers,
addresses, and digital photographs, to private third party
organizations. (Media Bypass, March 2000, page 50)
Although the DPPA was attacked in court as unconstitutional
because it arguably violated the 10th Amendment, the
Supreme court later reversed three lower court rulings from
South Carolina, Colorado, and Alabama which held that the
law was indeed unconstitutional, and so the DPPA joins
the slew of other legislative monstrosities pushed through
by the Clinton Administration with the backing, I'd wager,
of some constitutionally challenged alphabet soup agencies.*
According to Media Bypass, "Under the DPPA, the federal
government will take full control over all state-held driver
and motor vehicle records. The sole purpose of this act was
in fact to wrench away authority over these records from the
states." Since these records contain digital photos of most
adult citizens in the United States, they provide the
missing link in the evolution of police-state-America and a
vital component of the TROLL cam surveillance system.
Soon after the falsely named DPPA was adopted, a company
called Image Data LLC of Nashua, New Hampshire, was formed
specifically to develop a huge database of driver records
for use by retail outlets in verifying customer identity and
reducing fraud. Image Data began purchasing records from
several states based solely upon the newly granted authority
under the DPPA.
The company intended to install small "image monitors" at
retail outlets that used their service, which would display
the customer's driver's license photo during transactions
where identity needed to be authenticated. The equipment
would have allowed stores to run credit cards through a
reader, which would then retrieve the "verifying" photos and
other data through phone wire connections to Image Data's
database. Children's photos taken from state-issued identity
cards were also included in the database.
In a series of articles in late 1999, the Washington Post
reported that the Secret Service provided funding and techn-
ical expertise for the Image Data operation. Consequently,
due to public outrage, the Image Data project was postponed,
and three sates, which had signed contracts to sell 22
million photographs to Image Data at about a penny per
photo, cancelled their contracts with Image Data. Florida
Gov. Jeb Bush (R) canceled a contract to sell 14 million
images, and Colorado Gov. Bill Owens (R) halted the sale of
5 million photos. But as a consequence of the Supreme Court
ruling in January of 2000, businesses and governments would
again begin building databases like the one first undertaken
by Image Data.
(In fact, the Department of Transportation boasted on their
website that work had been "progressing on digital standards
(common data elements and compatible records) so that a
national and, perhaps, an international network of digitized
images can be established.")
That said, consider the components required to implement a
TROLL cam surveillance system of U.S. citizens on a global
Super fast digital face scanning software
Federally accessible database of digiphotos of citizens
Downlink of internet traffic to federal computer site(s)
Web cams posted at key places throughout the world
There is good reason to believe that all components, except
perhaps the last one, are either operational at this time or
soon will be. As detailed above, it was no mere coincidence
that these requirements fell into place just before the last
prerequisite--web cams everywhere--seems about to happen.
Nor was it a mere coincidence that the legal groundwork was
laid down, e.g., the Digital Telephony Act of 1994, the
DPPA, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the establishment
of the Biometric Consortium, etc., etc., add nauseum, not to
mention the tax-payer funded spread of web cams onto public
schools, highways, Indian reservations, and elsewhere.
Please keep in mind that Carnivore, which some of us already
considered inevitable long before news of it hit the managed
main-stream media, came to us compliments of the Digital
Telephony Act of 1994--a virtual nationalization of the
telecommunications industry, according to Simon Garfinkel,
author of a book on PGP encryption. This gives the feds the
legal authority to place surveillance equipment/software in
the communications infrastructure, e.g., on ISP servers,
internet backbones, NAPs (Network Access Points), etc., and
corporations must comply or be severely penalized.
Thus, once the video cameras we see most everywhere
metamorphose into web cams and proliferate, spawning a vast
matrix of interconnected electronic eye-balls, the
intelligence agencies need only intercept the traffic,
download it to a central computer facility (e.g., the NSA
headquarters at Fort Meade, MA, or the Menwith Hill site in
the UK, which is located over the internet backbone carrying
traffic to and from Europe) where the web cam images can be
scanned with sophisticated digital face scanning software
to identify and track targeted people using digi-photos now
available to the Feds thanks to the DPPA.
Viola, as if from some hoary midnight sci-fi flick, an
instant infernal nightmare of Orwellian proportions will no
longer be fiction but brute fact, and who will ultimately be
financing this brave new world-wide-web of tentacular evil?
Why, you, of course, the tax payer, will have funded your
own enslavement. So work hard. Big Brother depends on you,
my virtual soul brothers and fellow cyber slaves of the New
World Order.
---------------------- End of Article ----------------------
"Any sound that Winston made, above the level of a very low
whisper, would be picked up by it...There was of course no
way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given
moment...You had to live--did live, from habit that became
instinct--in the assumption that every sound you made was
heard and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized."
--British intelligence agent George Orwell, 1984
Dr. Dobbs Journal, "News and Views", Dec 1998, pg. 18
Washington Post, "Sale of License Photos Sparks Uproar",
Washington Post, "U.S. Helped Fund Photo Database",
Denver Post, "Information Highway Hits the Road," March,
Denver Post, "Colorado To Map Faces...", July 4, 2001
Denver Post, "Approval of Facial Mapping Reviewed, Jul 15,
Wired, "Smile: You're On Scan Camera", March 14, 2001
Wired, "Your Face Scan Dollars At Work," August 15,2001
St. Petersberg Times, "They Made Me Feel Like A Criminal",
"PGP: Pretty Good Privacy," Simson Garfinkel, 1995
Media Bypass magazine, "Big Brother on the Way", 2000, p 50
"The Surveillance Society," Grant Jeffries, 2000
[End Note: This article, as published in Paranoia magazine,
contained several errors and oversights. First, I neglected
to note one of my primatry sources, the legendary conspiracy
researcher, Texe Marrs, whose book "Project L.U.C.I.D.", was
arguably the best and certainly the one that influenced me
most to write the article; also, the term "cyber slave" was
coined by Texe, not me, but I neglected to note that. Also,
apart from a few minor errors not worth mentioning, there is
no doubt that I placed too much trust and importance in the
press releases of the face scan compaines, which led me to
overstate the immediate (not the long term) danger; Finally,
I wish to sincerely apologize to all of the honorable people
who work for CIA and other intelligence agencies because the
derogatory term "intelligence cults" was unjustified, though
there are no doubt some elements within the intel community
who deserve that label and worse in my opinion.]
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