Folder \NOS\SITES\1984IN08
[01] 1984IN08.HTM 1984 in 2008? Graphic.
[02] AA.HTM Crowley's creepy elite esoteric group.
[03] BACKCOVR.HTM Back cover of Craig Heimbichner's blockhead
busting book on the OTO
[04] BAMFORDS.HTM Is Isreal the "Eavesdropping capitol of
the world"? Book review of James Bamford's book The Shadow Factory
[05] BLOODALT.HTM Book review of Craig Heimbichner's blockhead
buster book Blood On The Altar on the OTO
[06] CABAQUOT.HTM Quotes by Freemasons attesting to the
Kabbalistic roots of Judeo-Freemasonry.
[07] CHINAEYE.HTM Rolling Stone article on China's
digital all-seeing eye.
[08] CROWLEYS.HTM Brief bio of creep Crowley.
[09] DATABASE.HTM info on government database(s) of
digi-photos as predicted in TROLL cam article of 1999.
[10] DODFERET.HTM DOD FERET fed funded face-scan project.
[11] DOWNLINK.HTM Government interception of internet
traffic as predicted in TROLL cam article of 1999.
[12] EYE-FLAG.HTM Some info on the all-seeing eye of
Judeo-Freemasonry as it relates to the TROLL cam system.
[13] FACESCAN.HTM Info on government development and deployment
of face scan software
[14] FACESOFT.HTM Visionics press release after 9-11 terror
[15] HAMMSICK.HTM The Hammer and Sickle of Judeo-Freemasonry
as a symbolical synonym of the Seal of Solomon.
[16] HEIMBICH.HTM Bio of historian Craig Heimbichner
[17] HUMANUM2.HTM Human Genus, Pope Leo XIII's classic
and celebrated encyclical of 1884 on Freemasonry.
[18] INDEX.HTM index page
[19] INTERPOL.HTM Interpol plan for database of digiphotos
[20] JQ-ADAMS.HTM JQ Adams on the 9-11 abduction and
assasination of Captain William Morgan
[21] LOCATION.HTM Net geo-location technology and some
thoughts on who controls the Internet
[22] MEMRYHOL.HTM Memryhol bit on the DARPA IAO logo
[23] NETGEOID.HTM Net geo-location technology
[24] PARANOID.HTM Editor of Paranoia magazine's response
to July 2001 submission of TROLL Cam expose.
[25] ROTCHILD.HTM Brief conspiracy history on Rothchilds
[26] SAFIRE02.HTM William Safire's NYT Op-ed on
[27] STCKCHRT.HTM Stocks of biometric face scan companies
soar after 9-11 attack.
[28] TNA12003.HTM TNA on IAO
[30] TROLLCAM.HTM TROLL Cams: The "All-Seeing" Eyes of
[31] UNCLELET.HTM Letter from an uncle on TROLL Cam expose.
[32] WORLDCAM.HTM info on deployment of web cams globally
"Does the Brotherhood exist?" "That Winston, you will never
know. If we choose to set you free when we have finished
with you, and if you live to be ninety years old, still you
will never learn whether the answer to that question is yes
or no. As long as you live, it will be a riddle in your
mind." -- 1984 by George Orwell
[Visit for more information.]
Is Israel "the eavesdropping
capital of the world"?
China's All-Seeing Eye, Rolling Stone magazine, May 20, 2008 |
Interpol Details Plans For Global Biometric Facial Scan
Database Every traveler to be scanned and checked against
terrorist faces, Oct 20, 2008,
"Thus, virtually the entire American telecommunications system
is bugged by two Israeli-formed companies with possible links to Israel's
eavesdropping agency--with no oversight by Congress." -- James Bamford,
The Shadow Factory, 2008, DOUBLEDAY, page
"Big Brother will be watching you, thanks to biometric face recognition software. The REAL ID Act provides for federally mandated use of biometric data embedded in state driver's licenses."
TNA, June 27, 2005
"With the development of television, and the technical advance which made it possible to recieve and transmit simultaneously on the same instrument, private life came to an end. Every citizen, or at least every citizen worth watching, could be kept for twenty-four hours a day under the eyes of the police and the sound of official propaganda." George Orwell, 1984, 1948 |
"...that no man might buy or sell, save that had the mark,
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name" (Revelation